Robert Plank, founder of Done For You Podcasting (, host of the Marketer of the Day podcast ( and author of WWHW: Why, What, How-To, What-If (

With over 815 podcast episodes, 15 books and 15 online courses, Robert believes that you must be a thought leader to succeed and profit. Recording your own podcast should be the most enjoyable activity you perform in your business, and your podcast should be the jumping off point for your content marketing, book publishing, course creation, and joint venture networking. Let Robert Plank explain how you can create a new podcast if you don't have one, or improve your existing podcast if you want it to become the fuel for your online business.


The Marketer of the Day Podcast interviews entrepreneurs who have been through “the struggle.”

They’ve experienced the headaches of repeat failure, trial-and-error, scaling, delegating, course-correcting, and getting their online businesses to succeed beyond their wildest dreams… and want to help you get to where you need to go.