2023-09-15 13:38:14

What do Binaural Frequencies Do?

Below is a list of Binaural Beats frequencies and what they do. Every one of these frequencies can be found in multiple locations on the MelodyClouds app and website

2023-09-15 12:48:13

MelodyClouds and App Security

We have always held the position that our customer’s information (search history, contact information, usage data, location, purchases, diagnostics, and other identifiers that can be used to track you across devices) is NOT ours to divulge, AND not ours to use to sell or facilitate others to sell. Even in the event it would help in a criminal investigation, we would not be willing to share that data.

2023-08-22 12:18:03

Autism and Binaural Beats

Sharma and Dr. Rathor  Continue their work studying the effects of music and frequencies on calming autistic patients, and Melody Clouds stands ready to assist and aid any research on this subject in earnest. 


We have helped fund research on Tinnitus, PTSD, Stress, and Sleep this year, and there is plenty more opportunity for further study.



2023-07-28 11:44:51


I have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Do not let that stop you from contacting us directly.  

2023-07-24 22:54:29

How to Use MelodyClouds and Binaural Beats

One of the first reviews we ever got on MelodyClouds was from Kat31845. It was a 2-Star review (sadly) but it was very fair, and expressed frustration at not knowing how to find or use the Binaural Beats in the App!!!  Kat31845 I know you are still a member (Thank You so much!!) and I am personally addressing your concerns RIGHT NOW.  You are a Queen, and I am thinking of ways to thank you personally. 



2023-06-11 11:27:23

Get the Best Night Sleep of Your Life...


Are you tired of tossing and turning, desperately seeking a good night's sleep? Do you long for a natural and effective solution to help you drift off into a deep, restorative slumber? Look no further – the Melody Clouds Binaural Beats section is here to revolutionize your sleep experience.


Introducing Melody Clouds  – your gateway to achieving the best sleep of your life. With this groundbreaking audio technology, you can finally bid farewell to insomnia, stress-induced nights, and restless thoughts that keep you awake.



2023-05-05 17:25:10

WITI Women In Technology International

MelodyClouds is very proud to partner with WITI and help further the WITI mission in any way we can. 

WITI (Women in Technology International) is committed to empowering innovators, inspiring future generations, and building inclusive cultures, worldwide. WITI is redefining the way women and men collaborate to drive innovation and business growth and is helping corporate partners create and foster gender-inclusive cultures. A leading authority on women in technology and business, WITI has been advocating and recognizing women's contributions in the industry for more than 30 years. The organization delivers leading-edge programs and platforms for individuals and companies -- designed to empower professionals, boost competitiveness and cultivate partnerships, globally.

WITI's ecosystem includes more than three million professionals, 60 networks, and 300 partners, worldwide. To learn more, please visit witi.com.

2023-05-03 09:52:54

Our Apps are HERE!!!!!!

With the release of the iOS app yesterday, we have now added TWO more ways to enjoy the Music and Meditations you love. 

2023-02-22 00:22:24

How Binaural Beats Can Ease The Symptoms of Tinnitus

How Can Binaural Beats Ease Tinnitus Symptoms? We discuss the studies, and the science, and address the misconceptions.  


2023-02-09 12:04:18

Reducing Stress

Stress… We are in an almost constant state of stress from the moment we are born until our final minutes on Earth. How we manage that stress, and how resilient we are in recovering from stresses in our life will determine how effective we are, and how happily we live our lives. Figuring out what our stressors are, and how to recover from them is the first step to mitigating the damage they can cause. Our health and the health of all of our relationships depend on us dealing with and recovering from stress. Too much stress can have incredibly bad effects on our bodies and our interpersonal relationships. Here are some tips to reduce stress and recover from the tensions of everyday life.